
These same flaws were also discovered being used in our latest research discovery that uncovered Chinese espionage, the DeadRinger Report.

In March, Microsoft pushed out patches for 4 zero-day flaws in the Microsoft Exchange Server that were exploited in the HAFNIUM attacks. There were 6 different zero-day vulnerabilities patched in June. In July it was the PrintNightmare vulnerability. According to Brian Krebs, May is the only month in 2021 that Microsoft didn’t release a patch to defend against at least one zero-day exploit. It has been a very busy year when it comes to Microsoft zero-day attacks. It seems like I keep waking up to the same scenario over and over and over, with attackers repeatedly exploiting zero-day vulnerabilities against Microsoft products. When it comes to zero day attacks against Microsoft products, I often feel like Bill Murray’s character in the movie Groundhog Day.